Hello and Welcome to the General Hospital's website. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL is a full services acute care facility comprising of 198 beds. We offer a wide variety of in-patient and out-patient medical services. The Hospital is located on Grand Etang Road in the capital city St. George, with an oceanic-panoramic view, North of the world’s famous Grand Anse beach. The General Hospital is also supported by two sister hospitals, Princess Alice in the East and Princess Royal in the North of the island. Our Hospital is managed by a Director of Hospital Services, Deputy Director, Medical Director, and Director of Nursing. The policy direction of the Hospital is made by the Ministry of Health’s team of experienced technocrats. However, if you are considering visiting any of our hospitals there are a few things to consider, such as the adherence of a visitors dress code, complete security checks & screening, a standard visiting-time policy, a non-smoking policy and a zero tolerance use of cellular phones on the wards.
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