At the General Hospital we offer the following services; A&E, Medical records, Paediatric, General Surgery, Oncology, Psychiatric, Ophthalmology, Intensive Care, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory, Orthopedic, Gynecology Obstetrics.We also treat most medical conditions including... * Motor vehicular injuries * Burns * Severe bleeding * Overdose * Asthmatic reactions * Severe chest pain *Falls or blows to the head-(Trauma)* Near drowning * Wounds * Ingestion of Toxic substances * Excessive vomiting & diarrhea in adults & children * High fever especially in children * Severe abdominal pain,……..Etc
We Treat most medical conditions including.... * Motor vehicular injuries * Burns * Severe bleeding *Overdose* Asthmatic reactions * Severe chest pain *Falls or blows to the head-(Trauma) *Near-drowning * Wounds * Ingestion of Toxic substances * Excessive vomiting & diarrhea in adults & children * High fever especially in children * Severe abdominal pain,……..Etc
If you wish to make an appointment to see any one of our Out Patient Doctors, click the "Booknow" button...>
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